Monday, May 4, 2009

Days Go By - 10 Song Demo

Here is the first upload I am doing: Days Go By - 10 Song Demo.


These guys were one of the most amazing bands that the U.P. has ever seen, and it's a shame that they only recorded this demo. The sound quality isn't amazing, but what it lacks in sound quality it makles up for with it's unforgiving honesty and intensity. My personal favorites are "Shudder" and "Work". Their Vocalist/Bassist went on to play bass in Criminal Damage with Paul Burdette of Tragedy/His Hero is Gone fame.

Days Go By - 10 Song Demo
1. Internal Bleeding (me and my problem)
2. Shudder
3. The Grand Funeral Procession
4. Work
5. An Empty Weight
6. Slipped
7. Self-Titled
8. Knives
9. From Margin to Center
10. Cut Hands and Dry Mouths

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